
Our Mission

Mission Statement

Dedicated to growing an excellent assortment of superior plants and provide our customers with the best service possible. Create for our employees a stimulating, safe, challenging and rewarding environment.

Vision Statement

Strive for business excellence by building lasting relationships with our customers. Create a business environment where the company through innovation, efficient and dedication earns a fair profit.


  • Provide learning opportunities in both the art and science of horticulture as well as other activities appropriate to the garden and forest.
  • Conduct research in horticulture and related fields in the garden and forest.
  • To promote and encourage public awareness, education, and volunteerism
  • To cultivate cooperation among agencies, groups, and individuals
  • To advise the people on urban forestry issues and concerns
  • Encourage and promote planting, maintenance, and management of trees in municipalities and villages within according to industry standards
  • Solicit funds for, and promote, association projects and activities
  • Provide a world class display of rare and unique plants.
  • Demonstrate leadership in natural resource management.
  • Participate in and contribute to the larger horticultural community.

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